Monday, 19 October 2015

le lundi 19 octobre

We had a great Monday. Here is a summary: 

7H Health-  We started our second chapter today and had a bit of a discussion about how our each of these things can affect our health in one way or another. Students had a blank copy of the wheel and started to brainstorm some ideas. We will finish this short activity next health class. 

The cartoon strip will be due tomorrow. 

7B and 7H French- Students passed in their "dream school" activity today. If they did not pass it in , it will be considered late but it can be passed in at any time for marks. 

We spent some time going over the following words today "parce que" , "mais" and "et". Students had a short activity to work on in class to help with their comprehension. 

We also spent some time today doing a read aloud. I read the first part of a graphic novel to the class that most of them have heard of in English. They really enjoyed this as it gave them time to relax and learn all at the same time. We will continue with the same novel every so often. 

7B and 7H social studies- we have been looking over characteristics of a society, including the economy, agriculture, government, written language, etc. Today, students researched characteristics of the society of Mesopotamia by looking through a textbook I provided. They worked in pairs to jot down notes. We will continue with the same activity tomorrow. 

8C Science- No class today, but there will be a test tomorrow on what we have covered so far in Chapter 1. 
Sunday, 18 October 2015

Recent Snapshots

Here are some snapshots of 8C working on their lab. Their task was to compare vegetable and animal cells. Students were so intrigued with what they were viewing through the microscope that they asked if they could take a couple of snapshots with their phones. Even though phones are not usually allowed in class, I did allow an exception for a few minutes this time so that they could show their family and friends at home what great things we're learning :) 


Here are some snapshots of 7B working on their "Ecole de reves" (Dream school). I am so impressed with the amount of work and effort put into this assignment in the last couple weeks. Students are really enjoying the project and learning a lot about sentence structure and school vocabulary in the process. 

Friday, 16 October 2015

le vendredi 16 octobre

It has been a great week! Here is how we finished it off. 

7B and 7H Health- students wrote a very short quiz to finish up our first unit. The students had to match definitions to terms, all having to do with the types of intelligences and learning styles. Students have also been working on a "Bande Dessinée" (Cartoon strip) for the past couple of weeks in class that will be due Tuesday. 

7B and 7H French- we have been learning parts of speech. In the past few days we have been learning about adverbs and adjectives. Students have been doing very well at completing in-class activities and I've been impressed with their level of understanding. For the last two weeks, students have been given a large amount of class time to complete an assignment that will be due Monday. The assignment is called "L'école de mes rêves" (my dream school) . Students are to draw their dream school and attach a typed paragraph to describe their school. 

7B and 7H social studies- we have been looking over characteristics of a society, including the economy, agriculture, government, written language, etc. We spent time discussing all of these characteristics with PEI as our chosen society. We will now be concentrating on the characteristics of the society of Mesopotamia . 

8C Science-We have spent the last two days in the lab comparing plant and animal cells. Students were able to observe an onion cell under the microscope as well as different types of animal cells. They seemed to really enjoy this activity. There will be a test Tuesday on what we have covered so far in this chapter. (characteristics of living things, the microscope and parts of a cell and their function) 

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

les dates importantes

Please check the homework page for upcoming quizzes for each subject :) I hope everyone had a fun and love-filled thanksgiving weekend. 

7H- Please remember to bring food drive items in tomorrow! Merci :)