Recently we had a wonderful presentation with Mrs. Natalie MacKinnon. The presentation covered important topics such as improving organizational skills and learning good study strategies. Students reflected on the presentation afterwards and seemed to find something that would work for them. I was excited to see some students practising with flash cards during their free time and organizing themselves differently in their binders.
Today I held extra help at lunch for students needing to ask questions and get anything clarified before the french test Thursday. I only had one student (from both classes combined) come. Please make sure appropriate review is being done at home. As always, I encourage students to review nightly as well as come to me when they need help. 7H- Interview slips were sent home yesterday. Please return them as soon as possible , especially if the time does not work for you.
Please refer to the homework page for details on homework and upcoming assignments. Parents: Chartwells has introduced a NEW and CONVENIENT way to purchase food at the school cafeteria with the Zipthru DINE WITH US Reloadable Card! Just like any gift card, a balance is loaded on a card and declines as purchases are made. The online function of this program provides convenience for parents to purchase, reload and monitor spending as well as set up an account to protect the remaining funds. In 4 easy steps you will be confident that your child has been provided with healthy meal options and a protected balance. This relieves the need for a packed lunch or carrying cash. Purchasing or reloading $100 or more will give you an ADDITION of 10% bonus dollars directly added to your balance. Visit to purchase an e-Certificate by email today. Present the printed e-Certificated to the cafeteria and receive a Zipthru card with the designated balance!
Don't forget to check the homework section for things I've asked the students to finish up at home as well as to see the date for the upcoming french quiz Parent Teacher Interviews are fast approaching (Nov. 19-20) – looking forward to seeing everyone. Interview times going home soon.
Something has clicked and students have really started to show off their communication skills in the french language. In the last couple of weeks we have been working very hard in class. We had Mrs. Natalie MacKinnon come in to talk to the students about organizational and study strategies. The presentation was very well received and students had time to reflect on things they have been or haven't been doing and what they could change to improve the results they've been seeing. I can't wait to upload some photos to show you what we've been up to!