Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Christmas break is coming!

Christmas break is almost here! Parents, please encourage students to keep up with their nightly review up until the last couple days of school. We do have a quiz and a test coming up so it is very important that students do not lose focus! 

7C parents- There will be a hypnotist at the school the afternoon of Friday December 22nd and students are asked to give $5.00 if they would like to watch. I will be collecting money starting tomorrow. 

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Upcoming parent-teacher interviews

Image result for parent teacher interviews coming up
A reminder to parents that parent teacher interviews are coming up Thursday November 16th (evening) and Friday November 17th (day). I have sent home forms with my homeroom class with their interview times. If the time provided does not work for you, please let me know at your earliest convenience. Thank you! 

Thursday, 26 October 2017

It's good to be back!

I had a great year at home on maternity leave with my two boys but I am so grateful to be back for another year at East Wiltshire. I'm very happy to see that students had a great start to the year with Mr. Ward and I look forward to a smooth transition over the next few weeks. It's been a busy week so I would like to thank you all for your patience in getting my blog started. Just a reminder to parents and students that in order to check for homework on the blog, click on the "homework (les devoirs)" link at the top of the page. This main page will only be updated so often. 

This week, in Social studies we have started our Egypt module, in Health we have started chapter two which talks about making healthy lifestyle choices. In French we are reviewing the verbs that have been covered so far this year and students will have a test Friday to show me what they have accomplished! 

I've spoken with Natalie MacKinnon (resource) about coming into the class Monday to speak with students about study strategies and organizational skills. 

Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to getting to know your son or daughter!